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Hey gals and guyzzzz, wots up? It's an early morning and have 20 minutes to blog, then get ready for work and here I am reaching out to my truly global audience on the blog. I have started reading V S Naipaul's India-A million mutinies now. Early, I was hesitating to read Naipual because I have heard that he can be quite crazy describing India with prejudices and all. But, till now he has been fair in his approach unlike the countless Non Resident Indians with their prejudices. In fact, if you are interested in travel blog, decribing a particular landscape or city, Naipaul is your man. He got a knack of description.Post that, planning to jump on with Shobha@60 and me got also Rushdie's Fury. So, good going till next month. I have got plenty to read.
In three weeks, I am going to celebrate one year in my job as a sub-editor. So far, it was not easy as I had a tough time adapting at the workplace. It took me a while to understand people and get used to them since they were not really my kind of crowd. Plus, I had problems with the production of pages. I struggled with the software since I am very bad with all these computer softwares. I learned it on the spot, with no formal induction or training. I mean I still struggle since I don't know everything related to the technicalities. So, on a positive note, I learned stuffs which I would not otherwise learn.
There was a time when I was fed up of working in the environment and that I was surrounded by lotsa negative people. I really wanted to leave the job and to be on a sabbatical for a few months. I was in fact counting days on calendars as I was planning to leave in April, then May and June. Thank God, things have stabilized and I am on.Me planning to stay on the job perhaps for a few more months and learn something new. The job of a sub-editor is hell lot stressful and it actually teaches you to manage stress and there were time where I would freak out. I still do it. Freaking out comes naturally to me and it's in my genes since Dad was like that. It's not that I am planning to stay on the job for long but till I get something interesting I shall stay. As it is by nature, I cannot stay in a place for a very long time and I believe in shifting between new jobs and places.
If on one hand, there are manipulators, liars , frustrated beings on the other hand there are also cool people who give out good vibes and positive energy on the floor. It is one of the reason that I am still on the job and of course, the salary. Till something new crops up and of course,looking forward to go back to India for a month or two towards the year end. The trip to homeland has been eluding me and it's terrible.
On Sunday, I watched Sex and the City-2 and the second half of the movie is quite cool and it moves at a fast pace. Though I find the first half so and so. I particular love the Abu Dhabi location which has been marvellously shot. It's been long that I haven't watched a movie at the Theatre. It's so unlike me and the last flick I watched was Game.So,June I shall make an effort to watch at least 2 flicks. Till then, bye bye, taa-taaa
Have a wonderful Tuesday.
Angel wish and make a Wish.
Lotsa Love.
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