
Tragedy of Human Life

Cars floating in the floods.

People yelling for help as they are carried away by they are carried by the water.

Cars, trucks and buses stumbled on each other like toys.

It was not a make-believe film set.

We were farway from the Titanic.

It was real scene from a movie.

It was mayhem in the city as people are caught in the miasma of rains, winds and nature's anger.

The spurt of water reaches the surface as one can make no difference between rainwater and the seas.

It wrecked havoc on the lives of city dwellers.

They were not spared a second to mull over, why my city?

Chaos took over the city as people cried for help, some dangled on the tree branches.

It's such a terrible sight.

Some laughed over dinner in a house well lit with lamp and faraway from the maelstrom of human tragedy.

Buses and trains were running late as service was disrupted.

Did it spell doomsday?

Some naysayers believed in the Mayans prophecy.

The world could never end in such a manner after all.

The violent flush of water seeped through the buildings and houses in the city.

The city was held to ransom as people scuttled for help.

It ended abruptly as lives were lost.

The men had a tough task to recuperate the bodies washed by the heavy waters.

Dreams of families were crushed as they lost sons, daughters, husbands and wives.

It was a shock that sent waves of ripples all over the island.

An island that always prided itself in believing that they are farway from human tragedy.

No human being is powerful enough to prevent storms, floods.

A world can be put to an abrupt end as nature holds the upper hand.

Yet, it is a life worth living as long as nature is gentle with us.

The day nature hold us in sway, we shall not afford the luxury to think on our existence.

This is the tragedy of human life.

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