
Ready to embrace the new world

Excitement beats the hell out of me.
The chance to visit a new city and its people as luck shower itself at my feet.
Surprises...surprises never cease in this world.
As I sprang to life on this early morning, it's an aha moment.
The time to come is the time to enjoy.
I am crestfallen at the beautiful moments that mushroom as I zoom to my own music.
Life has never been so beautiful.
The moment you pray for this beautiful miracle in life,
the miracle spring up.
I feel dancing like a mad and insane dude.
I shall await for the new world to unfurl itself and let the events unfold.
The sheer magic of experiencing yet another facet of life.
Let life surprise me even more.
It's a package, I know that.
A package of good health, endless joy and enormous possibilities.
Perhaps, the beginning of a new world.
Till I wait with anticipation and fraught with anxieties.
I wanna go and kiss the world.
Like a child warming up to the christmas toy, my eyes are shining bright to discover the magic.
Life indeed has a purpose.

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