Relationships, romance and sex may mean several things to the various generations of people.
The vibes minus load matters and holds true for many us, doesn't matter which generation we may belong to. There is a truth to relationships that we are still unwilling coming to terms with, Forever doesn't exist. Unfortunately, many of us have obsessively held on to relationships that injure our health as human beings and face it, there is no permanence in life.
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Every relationship bears its own time limit or expiry date. We cannot go against the force of nature and one mistake many people do is giving a name to an unhappy relationship, marriage. Now, I am not saying that all marriage are fuck-ups but often we end up grieving for the rest of our lives in connecting the dots or making things happen. Many people find themselves lonely in marriage and try to find quick-fix solutions like having children to save the day. But, it doesn't happen that way. Unfortunately, we are trying to prove the world wrong that our relationships can sustain and we suffer from illusion, delusion or the lack of realism.
We need a reality check for there is no reason to prove something when it comes to our personal lives. Nobody has the right to tell us what to do or not and how to lead our lives. When it comes to relationships, there should be no accountability as wrongly demanded by society. The worst thing is that as humans, we live a stifled sexual life from a moral standpoint and walk the false moral ground that lust should have no place in the so-called pure existence. The biggest mistake that we again make is not going easy on sex or a one-night stand, expectations shoot up in the sky. The moment expectations or one side love is not returned to us....answer the question honestly!
Love doesn't exist forever and living in a la-la land seems to be an art that we have perfected over time. The moment we do that and which has been internalized for too long makes it the defined reality or the creation of uncalled parameters.
Love is stifled in a match in haven where there is no room for the flower to bloom and closing the door on future partners that thwart us from going in relationships.
One of the things that I admire about millennials is that they are a chilled out generation despite the criticisms, right at times, in the way relations are approached. But, at least the super cool kids approach relationships, be it sex or relationships, in a therapeutic manner. For our generations, expectations have always hurt us when we don't get things right or flowing back to us. I have made that mistake and paid a huge price for that!
Love or relationships are all about reinvented for everything lie in our mindset. I strongly believe that being with someone should remove this shit load of hanging on obsessively to something that doesn't reflect the reality. Screw up this mushy mushy thing or glamor of m for marriage for it's the vibes of being together that matters. Feeling should gel. Don't get into a relationship just for the heck of it. A relationship must be defined by daily bliss and not what tomorrow holds or oft-repeated bored classic argument, where do we stand!
Bloom, stay beautiful and empower each other with moments to be shared, capture them if you may wish but delete it when the memory storage becomes full. Explore and meet new people since forever never exist in relationships but make it an evergreen moment.