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In love we believe,
gentle whispers, sweet nothings in the ears and stealing kisses.
Valentine Day is just the perfect excuse and gateway.
Surprise your lover with flowers, exquisite chocolates and gifts.
Romance tickles the heart,
as we reach a high that makes for life long memories.
We shall never cease to believe in this powerful energy called love.
It's pure as white, an oxymoron and bliss.
The heart never stops loving.
It bleeds when disappointment creeps in.
We shouldn't stop ourselves from loving for we may never know when it will trigger our feelings.
He or she may just be a step away from us.
Our heart will never cease from singing the lullaby of love and sparkling romance in the heart.
Celebrating togetherness and achieving milestone together.
Who needs to be in love for ages?
Love as if it's your last moment and do it like teens,
make the season of love last eternally.
Keep the faith and celebrate love.
Belated Valentine Day.
With Love
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