
X-Mas wish list, oh! Santa Claus

Hey Santa Claus,
I've been a superbly cute and good boy this year..I mean, you know-it-all, right?! But, just feeling like telling you and reminding you in case you feign ignorance..I know, I know, you have showered me with love and unexpected surprises during the past two years, but, this year. you seemed to tell that I can'g get everything perfect and right. Well, it's just that I've been denied a hat-trick and was denied a sixer a la Sachin..I know! I know! You've bestowed upon me gifts, unexpected twists in the tale and surprised gifts. It's just that I fell short of expectations that came crashing on the floor but, Santa dear, you've also showered me with some love and blessing.
Okie! I just cut the crap of whining of what's not and come soon coz I wanna you to surprise me with lovely gifts and an amazing life full of happiness,love and, of course, the moolah. Here'z my X-mas list this season and be good, grand old' opps sorry! young at heart Santa Claus.

X-Mas List
1. Settle my credit card
Paisa hai to honey hai!! Santa Claus. you know it..ahem! ahem! I hate to admit it that I have a huge balance running for a year on the credit card and, this season, show me some love and settle the pending queue on the card. Okie! I gonna close ma eyes till 25 December till you sort out ma card.

2. Pending Loan
Dear dear, Santa Claus! I gonna polish my shoes, keep my room neat and clean, make my bed every day..promise promise promise..pakka nakki...kuchi pakki..i wanna be a good boy and rocking..bring some miracle coz I wanna finish off my loan in 2014. It is a big burden on my small head and Santa sow the seed for a money tree which I can pick up like mango and give back to the bank.

3. Holiday
Moolah..moolah..moolah..i wanna rake the moolah so that I can afford a yearly holiday, sipping beer in Goa..see, I was deprived of ma holiday and I'm dying of envy this year coz during the past two years, I enjoyed holiday. Bring some stars when you come and create some magic so that in 2014, I gonna rock and afford my holiday in India.

4. Relocating in the desert
I am dying to relocate in the desert of Dubai for work and for better opportunities in Dubai. Grant my wish Santa Claus..okie, I know you are Santa Claus and not the genie but dying to be in the Sheikh Land and lazing in the Arab desert..this is what I am dying for. So, grant me my Dubai wish in 2014.

5. New Job
I am looking forward to an awesome 2014 with a better job, better pay and fantabulous perk..surprise me Santa Claus and you gotta open the Pandora box for me..I can't wait to have the super awesome job...coz I don't wanna stuck in a rut..see it's not too much too ask and I'm sure u gotta help me bounce back.

6. Novel, my novel
Santa! Oh! Santa Claus! I know I gotta pull my sock since I am a lazy bum..bring motivation and inspiration in huge package so that I push myself to write my rom-com novel. I can't wait to see my name on the shelf of Indian authors at Landmarks and Crossword..why do I keep postponing my book project?! ahem! ahem!
Spread the cheers and make the world a better place for us, humans, to live in peace and happiness. See! Santa Claus! I am not just asking for myself but the whole world. It is not too much to ask for. Come fast, Santa and can't wait for you to make my life bigger and more beautiful.

Merry X-mas


SEPO said...

cute post. Loved the list ....
May u achieve this and more.

Vishal Bheeroo said...

Tanku Sneha, Hope Santa Claus visited you and u've been a gud girl this year. Thanks again and wish u awesome things in 2014::)